Chronic medical conditions, especially those that cause physical pain, can lead to serious mental and emotional health challenges. Chronic illnesses and disabilities can significantly impair daily function, immediate relationships, and how you feel and think about yourself.

The psychological distress and emotional stress that are the result of a chronic illness or disability can be significant. In fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic, roughly a third of all patients that have chronic illnesses suffer from depression and anxiety. At Houston Psychotherapists, our clinicians understand the overwhelming impact that chronic illnesses and long-term disabilities can have on someone.

Living with a chronic illness or disability

The onset of a chronic illness or disability is jarring not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. You’re afflicted with feelings of loss—a loss of the life that you had known previously. Your body is not moving the way you want it to; your physical appearance may have changed. The weight of life changes that come with chronic illness or disability can affect your relationships with your loved ones. All of this, along with the consistent doctor visits and potentially new medicinal regimen, can be overwhelming and you may find it difficult to cope.

However, none of this means that your life is over. Your life may have changed, possibly permanently, but your life is not over. There is a grieving process that you have to go through, and from there you move to a point of acceptance. Acceptance is not a defeat, but rather an acknowledgment that you are about to embark on a life that’s new and different.

Chronic illness and disability counseling can help you craft what your new life will look like by addressing your feelings and developing a constructive path forward.

About chronic illness & disability counseling

Our clinicians’ approach to chronic illness and disability therapy is nonjudgmental, personalized, and focused on helping you maximize your well-being and self-care. Regardless of your condition, we want to listen and help you modify negative thoughts and feelings into positive, constructive actions.

Chronic illness and disability counseling can help you:

  • Address your feelings such as anxiety, hopelessness, and denial and how it relates to your condition
  • Form a self-care plan that helps you regain control of your life
  • Identify a game plan that will help you make the best decisions for your life
  • Develop a constructive outlook on your life in light of your illness or disability

If you are having trouble adjusting to chronic illness and disability and your doctor recommends counseling, we can help. Please contact our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians.

Please note that our clinicians are not medical doctors and we do not prescribe medication.